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Friday Morning Outdoor Painting Group

Plein Air Painting in Adelaide, South Australia

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Come Sketching with Fellow Painters!

Enjoy the enriching experience of outdoor painting or sketching on a Friday morning, then gather to share that experience with others over lunch.

Plein air painting
Plein air sketching
Gathering for lunch

About Our Activity

Use the media of your choice.  Members have used pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastel, watercolour, oils, and others.

Bring whatever equipment you need.  Don’t forget a hat and insect repellent, drinking water, and clothing to suit the outdoor weather.

We arrive about 9:30 to 10:00 am.  Just select your view and start!

Bring a packed lunch.  We gather at noon for half an hour or more to eat and talk.

Open to all plein air enthusiasts, both members and non-members of art societies.

Membership is free.


Where It’s At

We meet for three consecutive weeks at each site, at a variety of scenic locations around Adelaide.

See this year’s program from the button below or the top menu.

Kingston House


Our site for today (14th Feb) is at Marino Rocks (see program for details).

With a forecast maximum of only 24º, and the possibility of a shower, this should be a welcome relief from the heat and strong sun we have had lately, and be more comfortable for outdoor sketching.

Happy Painting !
